Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How To Lose Weight Without Working Out

How to lose weight without working out.... isn't that every busy mom's dream? Every woman's dream? Because working out not only takes time, something it seems we ALL lack these days, but effort. Let's face it, after waking up, taking care of kids all day, or working all day, the last thing most people want to do is expend more energy. Not to mention, since it's an action that seems to only benefit ourselves, we often say it unnecessary. Frequently we tend to be so busy taking care of others, that we neglect to take the same kind of care and same quality of care of our own selves. 

Well, that HAS to stop. You're going to hear me use the following analogy a lot, over time, because it's something that is so simple but so profound, I think it needs to be hammered into us. Imagine you're on an airplane. On a casual flight to anywhere... maybe your childhood home to see family, maybe to a business conference, maybe on vacation with your family. Suddenly, there's turbulence and before you know it, the oxygen masks fall from the ceiling. Now, if you grab that mask and put it on the person next to you, maybe your child, your spouse, or friend, or even a stranger.... what happens to you if there really is a lack of oxygen? By the time you get the mask on that person, IF you are even able to fully do so,  you will probably pass out due to lack of oxygen, rendering you incapable of helping ANYONE, even yourself. HOWEVER, if you put the mask on yourself first, then you are able to help many others. Every person in your row, and perhaps the people in front of or behind you; your loved ones. 

Life is like that flight. If you aren't taking time to take care of YOU, life will take it's toll. Physically, you will gain weight, which could lead to a plethora of other issues such as an inability to keep up with your friends and family, diabetes, high cholesterol and MANY more. Emotionally, life is draining, so you need to take time to recharge your batteries and find your center, whether that means meditating, praying, bible study, or spending time with your best friend. The worst penalty is the one you hardly notice; psychological... It's hard to love yourself and and keep your head in the right mindset when you're running low on fuel. Bottom line is that you can not give anything from an empty cup. 

Now, on to what you really want to know... losing weight.... Abs are made in the kitchen. The best way to lose weight is to change your diet. HOWEVER, while 80% of your health and fitness derive from your diet, that does not mean exercise is not important. The thing is, most people associate exercise with misery, or some other lackluster feeling. If you want drastic, immediate results, the ONLY way to get that is with a combination of diet and exercise. That doesn't mean you have to be miserable and kill yourself though! I am all about Baby Steps! Because when you want to make a change, it should be a lifestyle. Because that is the most surefire way to ensure success. Short term yo-yo diets will only make you more miserable, depriving you of things you love. That's not what this is about. This is about overall happiness. That being said, let's move to those  Baby Steps....

Baby Step #1: Raise your heartbeat for 20 minutes a day. That doesn't have to be a hardcore workout video or hitting the gym... go for a walk outside, go for a bike ride, do some jumping jacks or squats while you watch TV. ANYTHING. Just get those endorphins pumping! This is easier than you want to admit, ESPECIALLY if you have kids. It's a baby step, but it's still a choice that is up to you. 

Baby Step #2: Make healthier eating choices... there's many ways to start this without being overwhelmed. Substitute grapes for your chocolates, eat a healthier cereal with less sugar, learn proper portion sizes. The easiest thing to do? Find a meal replacement that is healthy and nutritious. Don't just pick up some random protein bar at the store though; look for something stocked full of vitamins and nutrients. When your body is getting the nourishment it needs, it works more efficiently, it utilizes the food you are eating better and makes your body work FOR YOU, not against you. Shakeology can be made with water, milk, and can even be made into a smoothie with fruits for a meal that is jam-packed with nutrients your body is craving but best of all... it costs the same, if not less, than a fast food lunch option! AND it's just as quick and easy! (Click here to buy now!)

Baby Step #3: Get Support. Everything in life is easier with friends. I have three kids, and even being pregnant was so much easier and fun when friends of mine were pregnant at the same time. We could talk about and discuss all the new things that were happening to us and we all related and understood. When you're in school, you have study groups to help make sure you're doing the work punctually and properly. Everything in life is better with friends. So, click the link to my Beachbody website, my Facebook page, or my Instagram and let me help encourage you! It would be my pleasure and my honor! 

Baby Step #4: Be Consistent. Even if you are having a bad day, if you totally fell off the wagon over the holidays, whatever it may be... just jump back on. Keep at it. Even if it doesn't feel like you're changing... It takes 2 weeks to make or break a habit. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for other people to notice a difference in you. Own that. Want it. Work for that. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. And of all the things you will do in your life, taking care of you is by far the most important thing you could choose to do. 

So, I'm sorry if you feel misled by my title of how to lose weight without working out. But I wanted you to know, this is not just about working out. It's about something far, FAR more important. It's about you. Helping you become the best version of you, inside and out! Because you are SO worth it, my friend! 

As I tell my kids: A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. 
Meet me! Friend me! Until then, CHOOSE HAPPINESS! 

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