Friday, January 27, 2017

What is Piyo?

Let me start by saying, I'm pretty picky about my workouts. Or, more specifically, the trainers. I don't like things that are very dance-oriented, because despite having amazing rhythm normally, when working out, I suddenly lose all sense of dancing coordination. It doesn't make me feel confident. And I think that is KEY to choosing a workout. We are less likely to follow through with a workout program if we find it annoying or unenjoyable. I also don't like "funny" trainers. God love Tony Horton, but I can not stop rolling my eyes at him, he's SO silly sometimes, it makes it hard for me to focus. Some people love that about him, but it's just not my cup of tea. 

That being said, I had tried some of Chalene's other workouts and it was never a good fit for me. But, I have heard so much about Piyo, and frankly, Shaun T (T25 program) had me exhausted and I wanted to try something more relaxing. On to Beachbody On Demand I went, to try it out. I was disheartened by the 40 minute time length... I homeschool a 4 year old and we have a new kitten, and my teens will be home from school shortly... yet another reason I love T25 (25 minute workouts). But, I knew I could stop if I needed to, and I really felt like I needed some yoga, so I hesitantly hit play. 

Piyo's emphasis is on good form, building strength and balance but with no equipment other than a yoga mat, and is low impact. Having been in a bad car accident years ago, I suffer from back issues, so I was cautious. As soon as it started, I was aware of the alterations made available... they had the modifications if I couldn't do a certain move, and some I could do easily and proceed to the advanced version. They had those options for EVERY SINGLE MOVEMENT. 

It began nice and slow, she explained her terminology, so if you're a noob (brand new) to working out and you DON'T know what Downward Dog is or what Warrior 3 looks like, or what Half Moon pose is, don't be intimidated. This is truly for all levels of fitness enthusiasts. 

The flow of the movements as we progressed was fluid and peaceful, and so I was astounded when the sweat started pouring. Chalene has this gentle way of coaxing and encouraging and letting you know, YOU CAN DO THIS. She focused on the back and core, because of its importance to all we do. She also pointed out how flexing and working the glutes and thighs can help the back, which is something I desperately need. 

The photo above is a perfect summation of my feelings in truth... I felt STRONG doing Piyo, I can already envision my progress in strength and flexibilty. I've never been so confident that I can improve my push-up skills without being MISERABLE. Yet again, Beachbody has given me something new to be excited and passionate about and most importantly, a workout I look forward to doing, And did you notice? The timing was never an issue once I started because it felt SO GOOD. 

If you're interested in PiYo or any other Beachbody programs or products, hit me up! I'd love to answer any questions or get you hooked up and started on being the best version of you!

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