Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why Didn't I Become A Beachbody Coach?

We've all seen the posts, the ads, the infomercials for P90x, Insanity, TurboJam, Piyo and more. Every time I saw them, I thought one of 2 things... Either that person was lucky, an anomaly, a one in a billion... or that they just probably weren't making much money and they were just on their own fitness kick. Well, I know plenty about fitness and nutrition and I wasn't one in a billion, so what was the point? Just another silly pyramid scheme.

Every once in a while though, a transformation story/photo would catch my eye. I've never been very overweight, just yo-yo'ed up or down 20 lbs but nothing I was ever too concerned about. Also, as a mom of three kids who I homeschooled, I didn't need any more on my plate, especially if it wasn't going to actually help me financially. Because, let's face it... in this society and culture... you NEED money.

The problem is... I haven't been doing what I know to be best. Neither have I been doing my best to be the best me EMOTIONALLY and MENTALLY. I took advantage of the support I had around me. I didn't take any of my ABUNDANT free time to help myself. I just wandered through life, half-way trying at just about everything. And I thought it was all going well. 

Then a bombshell dropped. And it wasn't. 

Now, while I have had help getting on my feet emotionally and mentally, it's time for me to step up financially and hold my own. But I want to keep homeschooling. And I want to be my own boss... hmmm.... what's a girl to do? So I started chatting with my friends that are PASSIONATE Beachbody coaches. I was SO skeptical, and just knew that after talking to them, I would know this wasn't for me and I would have to surrender my dreams of being a stay at home mom and get a "real" job. HOWEVER, those dang infomercials did get me a little... So I asked more questions.

But guess what I found out? Every single one of them, even the ones who weren't making a TON of money but were still profitable, LOVED it. None of them have regrets. They all seem so... happy. Hmmm.... weirdo health freaks. Fine, I'll look into it and see what the scam behind the magic is... 

I now sit here before you amazed, shocked, and MOTIVATED. Beachbody is NOT just about fitness and looking good. It's about self improvement. Becoming the best version of you, inside AND out, mind AND body. The more I learn about it, the more excited I become. Not only will I be transforming my own self, inside and out to be the absolute BEST me, but I get to help others do the same. By inspiring them, by inviting them to be a part of my team, and by the ripple effect my own health and happiness will have on the people close to me. After about 7 years of exposure, I finally said yes.

Its day 1 of the rest of MY life. Not someone else's. I am standing up and taking control. I am saying YES to me. YES to happiness. YES to health. I am saying NO to the whispers of doubt and shame. If you're a friend of mine, then I hope you watch with anticipation because GREAT things are coming. If you just stumbled upon this blog, then you should still stay tuned because I am going to BLOW YOUR MIND! If you're skeptical about Beachbody too, then just follow, read and enjoy the journey to personal success, and along the way, I hope it inspires you to become the absolute best you, regardless of what that means, If you want help figuring out what that is, I'd be happy and honored to help, so contact me now! 

Don't forget to check out my facebook for more!

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