Friday, February 17, 2017

A Healthy Addiction

If you read my other blog post, Food Addiction, you know that I believe food is the most abused drug these days. As I go about my journey of being a health and fitness coach, I often hear words such as "Fanatic", "Health Nut", "Obsessed"... and such, so I wanted to tackle this subject and enlighten those that use such words and phrases in regards to people who REALLY enjoy being healthy and working out. Now, people who DON'T workout or eat healthy or live a healthy lifestyle tend to look at those who do as just as I state... obsessed. I would LOVE to explain why, so that maybe, just maybe, you can become a fanatical health nut as well. 

First off, and I say this a lot, it takes 2 weeks to make or break a habit, scientifically speaking, according to research into brain chemistry. So, if you eat sugared donuts every morning for breakfast, you're likely to develop a habit of doing so, not to mention the addiction it will create. If you smoke everyday for 2 week, the same will happen. Ask yourself... why would you expect it to be any different with healthy habits? Ready for a not so secret bombshell? It's not any different! However, it is SO MUCH BETTER. I'm not speaking better just in the fact that it's healthier for you, obviously, but I am referring to the way you will FEEL.

There is just no way you can tell anyone that they will be worse off for working out and eating healthy. As the photo above states, and I say this with personal experience even, once you see results, it easily becomes a healthy addiction. Just check out my before and after pics... The before pic is old simply because when I was "fluffy" I never wanted to take full body photos, so there aren't many to use. But, in actuality, it only took me 3 weeks to make this transformation! That's right my friends, in less than a month's time, I lost 20lbs! Now, I know the idea of doing that to yourself excites you, how could it not? But imagine how *I* felt?! Everyday, my clothes fitting better, some even seeming too large now. To see my formerly cellulite-ridden thighs become smooth and muscular. To see my once-jiggly triceps tighten and tone so I'm not self-conscious about wearing tank tops anymore. 

Those were just the PHYSICAL changes... let's address the emotional and mental changes, now. 

In case you are NOT familiar with the film Legally Blonde, the above gif is Elle Woods, and the quote just gets funnier from there... "Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." Now, here's some more science for you: when you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. Did you read that? Maybe you need to read it again... IT REDUCES PAIN AND TRIGGERS A POSITIVE FEELING SIMILAR TO MORPHINE. People don't call it a workout high because they are trying to be cute. They say that because it's true people! 

Again, dear friend, I speak from personal experience.. to catch up on my backstory, check out my youtube vid, A Little About Me. There, you will find out that I have had my own personal battles with depression and more. I'm only telling you this because I want you to know that I am sincere and genuine and not feeding you lines of bullsh!t. I promise. Everything I do and say is to help you, yes YOU, reading this. Even if I've never met you, I hope my Blog posts, Facebook posts, Instagram posts help motivate, educate, and inspire you to being the healthiest, happiest you, you can possibly be! 

So, my suggestion to you is... next time your "health nut" friend talks about working out.... why not ask to join them next time? When you're fanatical in-law who eats ridiculously healthy offers you some bit of freaky sounding healthy food, give it a bite!

Why? Because, in the end, my dear friend... what will it hurt? Abso-freakin-lutely NOTHING.. In fact it will help you. Let us inspire everyone we know to be healthier and happier. That's my goal... in fact, let me share with you the real reason I try to inspire as many people as I can.. because the following quote is my daily mantra... if I can say I did this, on a daily basis, when I go to sleep, I got sleep soundly, knowing I have no regrets and I gave it my ALL! I leave you today with these words... 

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