Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Menu Planning and Meal Prepping Like a Boss!

"Failing to plan is planning to fail." Not very many people enjoy hearing me tell them that because it puts all the responsibility of a person's success or failure on that individual's own shoulders. I can't help it though, because it's a motto that I strongly live by. I know that if I want to be successful at anything I do, I need to plan it out. Not to be a control freak, or to cause myself stress, but to set myself up for success. 

Baby steps... If anyone is making steps toward a huge and drastic goal, such as breaking an addiction to sugar.... I suggest cutting back first. Because sugar addiction is REAL and will drive you nuts! But I've already covered that in my blog post about Food Addiction. Having baby steps toward ANY goal is the best way to start because it gives you real-life, tangible things you can do to work toward your goal, which can be a scary process. True growth only takes place outside of our comfort zone, so going slowly with baby steps is a great way to adapt and prepare for the changes that would normally frighten you off and the doubts that gnaw away at your subconscious.

That is why, when it comes to getting healthier, I tell people to meal plan! Now, just like everything you do in life, it's not going to look just like someone else's. It can, if you google meal plans and you print one out and stick to it verbatim.... but most people don't do that, and for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps your budget won't allow salmon for the week, maybe you're vegan, or perhaps you are allergic to nuts.... whatever your reason, know that I am not looking to give you a specific meal plan. I am just trying to instill in you how much meal planning will help. 

Step 1 is to create a menu and a correlating shopping list. I search the internet, using Google, Blogs, Pinterest and more to find recipes that I want to make. I plug it into my menu, and then add all the ingredients necessary to my shopping list. Some weeks, this is all I manage to get done. If this is all I do, this is still helpful for SO many reasons:

♥ Save Time: Having a menu saves time because you always have a meal to cook and you know you already have all the ingredients.

♥ Save Money: You only buy what's on your list, therefore, all your ingredients will be used in a recipe that is on your menu - no wasting food because you bought it at the store but got home and didn't know what to make with it.... or worse... forgot about it and let it go bad in the back of your fridge.

♥ Save Stress: No more worrying about what's for dinner or if you have everything you need. 

If I manage to have the time and energy, Step 2 is the actual Meal Prep! This where you prep as much as can be done, for the coming week ahead. Now, there are some things I ALWAYS meal prep. Breakfast Burritos and Mason Jar Salads. Because no matter how much I plan... there will be days where Bobby has to work a crazy amount of hours and I won't even see him, so having something he can grab and go in the mornings, or something quick and premade to throw in the oven makes all the difference to him, and keeps me in good housewife status without pulling my hair out! LoL I wrap them in tinfoil because we don't own a microwave. But if you wanted to nuke them, just wrap them in plastic wrap! I just use whatever veggies I have on hand or felt like buying that week, throw it in with some eggs, and wrap them up with salsa, and BAM... all done. SUPER easy. They can be as healthy or as UNhealthy as you make them, depending on the ingredients, so just be thoughtful. Here's how it looks when I'm about to prep burritos and salads:

Just in case you need some tips.....
 Mason Jar Salads are simply a great staple to always have in your fridge. This way, when you want something to eat but look in your kitchen and see nothing but INGREDIENTS, here you have a ready to go, nutritious and filling meal that will fuel you all day and require NO work in the moment... trust me - the first time you get hungry for you don't know what and open the fridge to see a mason jar salad just waiting for you, you will hear angels singing. *chuckles* 

A more thorough step 2 would be meal prepping as much as you could... cooking your meats, slicing and chopping all veggies, portioning out veggies and fruits that you plan to snack on, as to avoid over-eating. Having tupperware containers and ziploc bags on hand is a lifesaver! Even if you don't COOK everything, but have it portioned off, pre-cut and chopped, then cooking dinner is the LEAST of your worries - it's the prep that takes time! 

And before you moms come at me with "I don't have TIME for that!" Just let me you... all my kids get the ingredients out and ready as I read them off my list...  then the older ones get to choppng, dicing and slicing while the little one helps me portion fruit and veggies... "Put 10 grapes in each of these bags so we have snacks ready for the week!" as I prep the meat. There is NO reason why you can't get this done, AND involve the whole family too! Involving the kids and having them participate not only makes life easier for you, makes them more responsible, but it gives them first hand knowledge of what healthy food looks like, how to prep and plan to be healthy themselves, and gets them working together. There's really no down side to this!! Sometimes I make an assembly line... I start by getting the container, putting in the meat, the little one places fruit, the boy places in veggies and the oldest closes it up and stacks it in the fridge. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! 

If you don't know where to start, just go to friendly google and search for meal plans. Find one that speaks to you, and tailor it to suit you and run with it! Tell me how it goes! If you need any help at all, please feel free to message, comment, or email me! I am MORE than happy to help you set up a system that works for you! 


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What's IN my SuperFood Shake?!

When people see me now after my 30+ lb weight loss, or see photos on my Facebook, the first thing they ask is, "HOW?" Of course I tell them I have been exercising and working out and eating healthy, but I always focus on my superfood shake. Why? Because so many people do not truly grasp the idea of good nutrition and how it can affect and change their bodies! I want to emphasize, just as I do to EVERYONE, this is NOT a diet drink, this is NOT a protein drink. . . yes, there is protein in it, and yes, people do lose weight if their body needs to, but that is not the purpose of it! I'm always hesitant to say the name because people think they know what it is, or what it does, or chalk it off as another health drink that won't do anything for them. in reality, if you look closer and pay attention, I promise, you will be surprised at what Shakeology has to offer! In brief, because this is a blog, not a book, let's go over some of the things in it:

Adaptogen Herbs:
An adaptogen is a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. Reishi is a herbal mushroom that reduces allergies, improves liver functions, lowers blood pressure, and enhances out overall immune system among many other health benefits. Along with Reishi, there is Schisandra, Maca, Maitake, Cordyceps. Astragalus, and Ashwagandha found in Shakeology. ALL of these will help your body deal with stress in a better way! 

Antioxidants & Super-Fruits:
Antioxidants help prevent or stop cell damage caused by oxidants. An oxidant is an aggressive form of oxygen that can harm us. To learn more, click here! One of the antioxidants in Shakeology is Bilberry, which helps with diabetes, can prevent cancer and liver damage, and it even strengthens the eyes, heart and kidneys! Cacao, Camu-Camu, Acerola Cherry, Lycium Berry, Green Tea, Luo Han Go, Pomegranate, and Rose Hips are paired with the Bilberry to keep your body in it's best shape!

Digestive Enzymes:
Digestive enzymes break down protein, carbohydrates and fats into progressively smaller components. Invertase is a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme that splits sucrose (common table sugar) into its component parts, glucose and fructose. It supports a healthy respiratory system, and is naturally toxic to harmful toxins in our bodies. Joining with Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Glucamylase, and Aplha-Galactosidase, the digestive enzymes will have your body absorbing more nutrients from EVERYTHING you consume, once again, bolstering your body for peak health. 

Phytonutrients & Super-Greens:
Among the benefits of phytonutrients are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Phytonutrients also enhance immunity, repair DNA damage from exposure to toxins, detoxify carcinogens and alter estrogen metabolism. Moringa reduces inflammation, lowers blood sugar, and nourishes your skin and bones, among MANY other health benefits. Chlorella, Spinach and Kale also lend their powers to keeping  you strong, pain free, and healthy! 

Prebiotics & Probiotics:
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are extremely beneficial to your health, especially your digestive system while prebiotics promotes the growth of these beneficial microorganisms in your intestines. Chicory Root is an excellent and delicious tasting prebiotic that is dense in dietary fiber. Aiding in general gut health, along with Yacon Root, and Lactobacillus Sporogenes, these ingredients will have your digestive system the healthiest it's been in years, no matter what else you eat. 

Protein & Amino Acids:
Protein plays a critical role in almost all of our bodily processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. A large amount of our cells, muscles and tissue is made up of amino acids. Here is where a slight difference comes into play. Shakeology comes in 7 different flavors, 2 of which are vegan. So, the protein sources differ in the vegan varieties. Normal Shakeology comes in Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Greenberry and CafĂ© Latte, and the 2 vegan flavors are Chocolate and Tropical Strawberry. 

Normal Shakeology Protein:
Sacha Inchi addresses a huge problem that a lot of people suffer from: cholesterol! Sacha Inchi lowers BAD cholesterol (LDL) and raises GOOD cholesterol (HDL). It also improves brain function, blood flow, bone growth and so much more! Along with Whey, Pea, Chia, Quinoa and Flax, your body will have no issues eliminating food cravings and building lean muscle. 

Vegan Shakeology Protein:
Let's talk about Oat Protein! Did you know that Oat Protein has been used since the beginning of time in the treatment of all manner of skin ailments to offer skin softening, skin soothing, and anti-inflammatory benefits? Combine this with Pea and Rice Protein and you have the same, if not more, health benefits than the "normal" protein. 

There you have it, folks... That's what real health looks like. It's not a gimmick, it's not mysterious magic - it's hard core, dense nutrition. When your nutrition is in line, it's hard to "plateau" in your health and fitness goals. So, what are you waiting for? 


Monday, March 13, 2017

How To Lose Weight As A Busy Mom

It's been just over 7 weeks since my first blog post, when I decided to really take my health into my own hands and dedicate myself to change. Now, I've always been kind of obsessed with nutrition, so the bulk of my diet wasn't terrible, but I had... er... have... a MAJOR sweet tooth. Also, as much as I'd like to deny it and lie to you, I won't: I'm kind of lazy when it comes to working out. I've always had a love/hate relationship with exercise. I know the benefits, the endorphin rush, blah, blah blah... But getting into it, STARTING it, is always so hard. Not to mention, I homeschooled my kids, was going through a nasty divorce from an abusive marriage and had to learn how to be my own lawyer, while trying to recover emotionally and mentally. I was a master of excuses and justifications as to why I had NO time to workout and be fit. My kids came first so all my time was spent on them. That was my biggest and strongest excuse, because it sounds the best, doesn't it? Guess what, friends? It's still an excuse! 

So, back to 7 weeks ago... I was sick of my clothes not fitting. I was getting to a point where NOTHING fit, and I mean NOTHING - I was wearing my boyfriend's clothes, and even those were starting to get ... snug. How depressing was that!? (VERY!) I searched online for a workout program that I thought I could get behind. I have a bad back from a horrible car accident a decade ago. And not just some little thing - but I was in physical therapy for 3 years and still suffered lots of back pain. I was afraid to bend over or lift something or go on a roller coaster just 8 weeks ago. 

But I was done with all that. The truth is, if I really wanted to put my kids first, not only would I make a change regarding my own health but I would let my kids see it and be a part of it. The first thing I did was tell everyone. My dreams. My goals. My strategy. My tools. I wanted to lose 30 lbs, I wanted to workout every day, and I did not want to go to the gym. I found a nutrition-dense super-food meal replacement shake that tasted delicious. Yeah, I know this sounds like a load of crap, but trust me - I am not one to drink something that does not taste good! I found an at-home workout program that had my interest piqued and it was something I thought I could stick with. 

The first week I felt ridiculous, I could not make it through one single workout without pausing it. I could not do some of the moves. I cried to my mom and to my best friend (who is also MY coach), saying this was silly and I'd never be able to do this. My mom loved and me and encouraged me and my best friend was the perfect coach. She taught me my mantra: "Progress, NOT perfection". She reminded me that 10 minutes of working out was better than nothing. She kept me going. I kept my nutrition in line by cutting out the sugary junk foods, eliminating soda altogether, and eating proper portion sizes. And stopped eating chips... oh how I love potato chips. *laughs*

The second week, my confidence grew as I got stronger. I could STILL not complete a workout but I could do more than I was doing the previous week, and I could do all the moves, even if I could only do 1, when the people in the exercise video were doing 6 or even 10. Still, my coach/BFF motivated me, reminded me how far I had already come. I didn't even miss soda now. Water was my best friend. I knew I was detoxing so I drank water all day, every day. I didn't miss the sugar or the chips. 

The third week, I kind of felt like a badass! Despite having to modify some moves, I was finishing the workouts. I could do more of each move, I wobbled less on balance, and I felt more energized. I focused now on the way I was feeling AFTER my workouts, and not before. Even if I had to hit pause, I was really feeling that endorphin rush. Sweat was pouring down my face, and I'd never in my life pushed myself this hard that I sweat this hard. That just made me feel like MORE of a badass. I started drinking my nutrient-dense meal replacement drink for breakfast. I was SHOCKED at how delicious it was. How filling it was. How healthy it was. 

The fourth week was my real turning point. I don't own a scale. I hadn't checked my measurements since I started. My clothes were fitting better, but I hadn't been paying much attention to how much because I was living in elastic workout clothes. *laugh* Then I went to the doctor. My weight had plummeted 19 lbs in 4 weeks. My cholesterol had gone down by half. My blood pressure was down to normal. and my measurements... overall, I lost 21 inches - 4 inches alone off EACH thigh! Whaaaaat?!? I was shocked. I was stunned. I was ELATED! 

I was on fire for week five. This week started showing muscle tone in my arms. My arms were something I was hyper conscious of and never wore tank tops because of this. But now, I had muscle definition in my arm. 

My teenage daughter asked if she could start working out with me, and now she asks me to wait for her so she can workout with me after school every day. HER results are just as amazing - she is on the JROTC team at her high school, and as a freshman, was invisible. Now, her physical fitness stats including pushups and pull ups are so awesome that every commanding officer knows her name. 

Now I had to start fighting my kids for my meal replacement drink because by now, they had all tried it and loved it just as much as I did - it tastes like a very rich, thick chocolate milk ( I mix it with almond milk).

Now, at just over 7 weeks, I kinda want to flex my arms at everyone I meet. *laugh* For the first time EVER, I took a photo of my bare tummy and shared it on social media! 

I can't imagine NOT having my chocolate shake every morning. The one day I have missed it, I felt exhausted, hungry and just "off" all day. Trust me, that won't be happening again! I am down almost 30lbs in 7 weeks - once I started my uber-healthy shake, it really amped up my weight loss. 

Along with my muscle building! Also... when your boyfriend runs his hand down your leg while mindlessly watching TV and says, "WOW! Your legs are so smooth... No offense, but the cellulite you had, is gone!", how can you NOT feel amazing? Then I saw a meme online that said, "Sometimes I grab my own butt because... well, I squat." I laughed SO hard, and thought... Hmm.. I have been doing A LOT of squats... and yup... started grabbing my own butt to see how it changed! *laughs* The difference is definitely noticeable! 

So here I am, telling you this: a 30 minute workout is TWO PERCENT of your entire day. Being able to afford a meal replacement shake that fueled my health, fitness, muscles AND weight loss was totally affordable when I stopped buying chips and soda and candy. So what happened to my excuses? They transformed into my REASONS! I workout and eat healthy BECAUSE I love my kids. Because I want to healthy life where I can run in the park with them and chase them and participate in life with them instead of just watching and taking pictures. I want to lead by example so they have a healthy life. I want to be healthy and fit so I can live long enough to see my (far to come) grand children grow into adults. I chose my priorities and I arranged my life accordingly. Instead of watching TV when I have a free moment, I read a self-development book. Instead of snacking on chips and soda, I snack on nuts and fruit and drink water. Instead of laying on the couch when the kids are being quiet, I hit play on my workout video - an episode of Sofia the First is about as long as one of my workouts. 

Moms, take your excuses and make them your reasons. Prioritize your health. Lead by example.

Look at some of these other moms who have made the change and committed to being healthy!